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What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a combination of strength exercises and conditioning training - the training includes u.a. weight lifting, sprints, bodyweight exercises and gymnastics exercises. Sounds exciting? We think so too.

The goal is to achieve comprehensive fitness development across disciplines, including endurance, strength, flexibility, speed, dexterity, balance, coordination and accuracy, where fitness is defined as better performance in all of these areas.

​CrossFit training sessions last about an hour and consist of a warm-up part (warm-up), skill training (skill development) combined with strength exercises if necessary and a ten to twenty minute high-intensity training (conditioning) and stretching exercises (stretching).

The highlight of every CrossFit class is the Workout of the Day (WOD). This usually consists of a series of different exercises that are performed in several rounds. Either a specified number of laps must be carried out in the shortest possible time, or the greatest possible number of laps or repetitions must be carried out in a specified time. This gives the training a competitive character. Training can be intensified by setting a pre-training rhythm of work and rest breaks. The CrossFit principle "constantly varied functional movements performed at a high intensity" makes it clear that the training varies constantly.

Each participant can adapt the exercises to their own level of fitness. Training units are put together by CrossFit-certified trainers themselves. This also includes a set of standardized training units that are used as a benchmark for measuring training progress, for example:

Cindy: 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats; as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes

Fran: Thruster (squat and 95-pound dumbbell overhead lift) and pull-ups; 21/15/9 repetitions in as little time as possible

In addition, there are also much more demanding, standardized workouts. So-called hero workouts, named after US soldiers or police officers who died in action, are much more strenuous and are usually carried out by advanced athletes, for example:

Murph: Run 1 mile, 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 squats, run 1 mile; in the shortest possible time

Interested in learning more? Then book your CrossFit intro now or contact us.​ We look forward to seeing you!

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